Two defeats can cost us a place in LU Football League Top 5

FK Lielupe has already played two games in 2020 against ČBK and Ej Tu Nost!. In both games we suffered defeats that could cost us a place in the Top 5 division.

We started the year with a 1:6 loss to the ČBK team. For quite some time, FK Lielupe managed to keep a positive result, however, ČBK players were more ready for this game and scored 5 more goals. This was followed by a game against Ej Tu Nost! team, which was a very fierce battle. The game was dominated by chaos, as the two teams played very closely and prevented the opponent from creating any moment. In this duel Ej Tu Nost! came out as winners.

Like last year, all teams play a one-lap tournament, after teams split into two divisions. The top five teams will continue to fight for the LU Football League champions title, while the other five will fight for the Hope Cup.

Until the end of the first lap, there were three games left for FK Lielupe. A very tough match against FC Meteor is expected next Monday, on February 24th we have a game against ET, but on March 2, we will face another leauge leader, Latgalīte Squad.

We are currently three points behind fifth place. The top four, it can be said, have already been determined. These are ČBK, Jautrie Zābaciņi, Latgalīte Squad and FC Meteor. Ej Tu Nost!, Fox Travel, ET and FK Lielupe are fighting for the remaining fifth place.

LU Futbola Līga 2019/20
